Conference Presentations
(invited) University of Utah: Radical Philosophy Association Conference
Author-Meets-Critic, “Education for Political Life Critique, Theory, and Practice in Karl Mannheim's Sociology of Knowledge by Iaan Reynolds”
UC Santa Cruz: The California Ideology Conference
Paper: “Los Angeles Physiognomy”
Lewis & Clark College: Northwest Philosophy Conference
Paper: “The Cunning of Reason in Smith, Hegel, Odysseus, and George Santos”
New School for Social Research Graduate Conference: “Political Concepts”
Paper: “Cunning”
University of Minnesota, CSCL Conference: “Culture & Theory in Reactionary Times”
Paper: “The Genesis of a False Dichotomy: A Critique of Conceptual Alienation”
Emory University Symposium for Psychoanalysis and Politics
Paper: “The Genesis of a False Dichotomy: A Critique of Conceptual Alienation”
British Society for Phenomenology: Future as Present Concern
Paper: “Days of Future Past: On the Legacy of Utopian Socialism”
Southwest Seminar in Continental Philosophy
Paper: The Past Within the Future: On the Legacy of Utopian Socialism
Houston Community College Philosophy Symposium
Paper: “The Past Within the Future: On the Legacy of Utopian Socialism”
Southwest Seminar in Continental Philosophy
Paper: “Philosophy after Auschwitz: The Expression of Suffering in Levinas and Adorno”
University of New Mexico Graduate Conference, “The Liberal Subject”
Paper: “Philosophy after Auschwitz: The Expression of Suffering in Levinas and Adorno”
New School for Social Research Conference: “Paranoid Encounters”
Paper: “On Identification and Myth: A Freudo-Marxist Analysis of the Alt-Right”
North Texas Philosophical Association Conference
Paper: “Sacrifice and Simone de Beauvoir’s Ethics of Ambiguity” (invited)
North American Levinas Society
”The Ethics of Non-Identity: Philosophy and the Other in Adorno and Levinas” (invited)
Conference Organization
“The California Ideology” Conference
University of California: Santa Cruz, April 6-7, 2024
Co-organizers: Shaun Terry (UCSC) and Kyle Proehl (UC Davis)
Keynote: Alberto Toscano
Sponsored by the University of California Humanities Research Institute, Department of Comparative Literature (UC Davis), UCSC Humanities Division, The Humanities Institute (UCSC), Cowell College (UCSC), Critical Race and Ethnic Studies (UCSC), The Arts Research Institute (UCSC), History of Consciousness (UCSC), Sociology (UCSC), and Davis Humanities Institute (UC Davis)
About: With the co-founders of the California Ideology Project Kyle Proehl and Shaun Terry, I organized the California Ideology Conference, which took place at UC Santa Cruz in April 2024. Organizational duties included writing and circulating CFP, assembling the conference schedule, organizing panels, facilitating presentations, coordinating logistics, and soliciting funds. Full CFP and more info can be found here. You can find more information about the California Ideology Project under the above tab of the same name.
Southwest Seminar in Continental Philosophy
Co-organizers: Robin Muller (Cal State Northridge), Ellie Anderson (Pomona College), and Kaity Creasy (Cal State Redlands)
About: In June 2021, I scheduled and orchestrated the annual Southwest Seminar Philosophy conference (moved online due to COVID) with a four-person leadership team. Organizational duties involved writing and circulating CFP, assembling the conference schedule, organizing panels, facilitating presentations on Zoom, ensuring smooth execution, and organizing a virtual social event.
UNM Philosophy Graduate Student Conference, “The Liberal Subject”
University of New Mexico
Co-organizers: UNM Philosophy Graduate Students
About: In May 2021, I helped orchestrate a UNM Philosophy conference with a leadership team of other graduate students in the Philosophy departmnt, which involved applying for funding, soliciting donations, reviewing submissions, assembling the schedule and panels, and facilitating presentations.
42nd Annual Merleau-Ponty Circle
University of New Mexico
About: In 2017, graduate students assisted with the 42nd Annual Merleau-Ponty Circle Conference, which involved compiling welcome materials, reserving meeting spaces, facilitating mealtimes, as well as setting up and breaking down the conference facilities.